Always a step ahead
The selection of the suitable UV-C emitters, appropriate electronics, equipment design, and the required volume of radiation, as well as the recording and storing of the relevant operational processing data – all this turns a simple dosage-effect-principle into a many-sided and complex technique.
Our sterilAir technicians, engineers and designers combine up-to-date technical knowledge with the know-how of UV-C disinfection techniques going back over 80 years.

Generating UV-rays
There are various methods of generating UV radiation. The mercury vapour discharge is the most efficient method to date.
However, the biggest challenge lies in predicting the effective UV-C output, since the reaction depends at most on the internal gas pressure ratio of the reaction body. A cooling load or warming of the emitter surface must therefore be counteracted by physical measures.
This is precisely where the company's strength lies. Through development in our own laboratory, sterilAir distinguishes between different emitter types and also relies on intelligently adapting electronics.

In addition to the purely temperature-related efficiency rating of a radiation source, however, there are two further parameters in UV disinfection which have an effect: owing to solarisation effects, a mercury-vapour lamp ages continuously, i.e. the emitted power decreases; and the calculation of the irradiance at an increasing distance from the source follows a non-linear function.
Without evaluating lethality and exposition time of the recipient – UV disinfection follows the dose principle – the complexity of the method is shown here: What aging-related, temperature-dependent real-power value is to be expected for the emitter? Are there absorbing factors such as pollution or high atmospheric humidity? What positive influences are exerted by turbulence, and secondary radiation by reflection?
For maximum predictive reliability, therefore, sterilAir professionals and partners use a scientifically-sound simulation program.
For the calculation and system design we use a so far unique simulation software, which has developed sterilAir in cooperation with physicists of the ETH Zurich.
In addition, continuous long-term- and strain testing at our premises make for the highest quality standards and product safety, and guarantee an installation of the highest technical standard.
Do you have questions?
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sterilAir AG